Great Customer service doesn't only benefit you, it benefits the customer as well as the company. Having great customer service isn't as simple as you would think, yet it really isn't that hard to accomplish either.
There are several steps to having good customer service that can help anyone become a pro. But first, you need to understand what customers want from employees and companies. First is every customer wants to be heard. When a customer expresses their concerns and desire's make sure you and the other employees understand this. The second is to be understood. Be sure to ask questions! also repeat and confirm your customer's concerns and needs. Quite often things get miscommunicated and then no one is working to solve the actual problem the customer has. Last, but not least, every customer wants to be cared for!
To build a good, long-term relationship with customers they need to feel important to you, your employees, and your business. Show concern for them and their wants, needs, and concerns. Show an effort to solve their problem and accommodate to what they request. It doesn't matter if you can actually accommodate them in the way they want, but showing the effort to do so shows that they are worth your time and care. Customers appreciate seeing you try your best to fix something or work to what they need.
Now that you know what three things all customers want it's time to learn about the seven essentials of excellent customer service. One- be aware of the three things every customer wants, as we just talked about. Two- remember S.E.C. It stands for Smile, Eye contact, and Comment. People subconsciously expect to be greeted with a smile. Starting with a smile and a simple greeting can pre-set the entire interaction and atmosphere. Make and hold eye contact with the customer. Doing so shows that you're ready to engage with them and help them. It also shows that you care about what they are going to tell you and that you are listening. Last, make a friendly comment. Now, this doesn't have to be an extravagant conversation. But a simple comment about the weather or light-hearted events that are current. Even, a simple compliment about their clothing, shoes, hair cut/color, etc. Just be sincere about whatever you say and make sure that you aren't making a sexual comment or saying something that will creep the customer out.
Make sure you listen to what the customer is saying. They need to be heard and understood. Acknowledge what they say and repeat it back to them. This way you're sure you are addressing the right issue. Quite often an angry customer will stop going after you if they see they are heard and understood.
Empathize with your customer. When they're having issues really listen to what they are saying and then confirm what the issue is. A simple reply of, "I understand how you feel." or "I understand where you're coming from." can, most times, calm them down if they're really angry or dissatisfied. Even if you can't deliver the exact outcome they're looking for, by empathizing with them and their problem, they're more likely to accept a more reasonable solution.
Next is, Create solutions for your client's issues and complaints. Take a look at your companies policies etc. and take a look at the customer's history with the company. Do whatever you have to do to fix the problem and make the customer happy. Sometimes this involves a 100% refund. But if this kind of thing continuously happens it's time to hire a customer service organization to help your company.
Clarify the situation. You need to make sure that their issue has been resolved. Review the remedy with them, then once again ask that the remedy is a good solution. The last thing you want to happen after providing a solution for a client, thinking they were satisfied with your solution and then later find out through an online site that they really were satisfied with what you did.
Follow up with all of your customers. You want to make sure each one of your customers had a good experience with your company. Your reputation depends on it and can affect future business. Following up with a phone call and asking a couple questions about their experience is one good way. It shows them that you personally care about them and how they felt they were served. Sending out an email thanking them for their business is another way. You could also put a survey in it just be sure to immediately follow up with any customer who wasn't happy. Lastly, you could do a drip campaign. It's an email they receive from you for coupons, discount, invites to special events, and company news. Doing this can help you stay in the minds of our customers. If you provided them with great customer service they continue to come back as well as tell all of their friends and family.