Casler Cleaning
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What can you do as an employer to minimize exposure?
COVID-19 Prevention
With owning our own company we understand that closing your doors and not interacting with the public isn’t always feasible. So let's talk about what you can do as a company to help minimize the possibility of spread in your workplace.
If at all possible for your company, incorporate work from home. If this isn’t doable, try to stagger work shifts so fewer people are in contact with each other at a time. Read further if neither of these options is applicable as well as how to enforce social distancing and cleaning in your workplace.
So, your company can’t work from home or incorporate staggered shifts. What do you do? Enforce social distancing, first, whenever possible. Have a few people in one area as possible and as far apart as you can. Doing this in itself can help diminish the chances of COVID-19 spreading in your workplace if someone does test positive. Don’t forget to enforce the wearing of masks. COVID-19 is most commonly spread through droplets from a person sneezing, coughing, singing, and just breathing. A mask can help limit these particles from entering the surrounding area of an infected person.
Social distancing is a good first step. But there are other steps that need to be incorporated to ensure you and your company are doing everything you can to lower the chances of COVID-19 spreading throughout the workplace. Such as discouraging sharing tools in the workplace. Things as simple as a pencil/pen, stapler, notepad, etc. can be a way to transfer the virus.
Now, what about the cleaning aspect? Regular sanitizing in the workplace, throughout the day, is a necessity to help lower the chances of spreading the virus. Cleaning and disinfecting commonly touched areas are the first step. Areas such as doors & doorknobs, tables/desks, phones, and bathroom areas.
Remember, even with strictly following all of these guidelines you are not guaranteed to completely stop the spread of COVID-19 in your workforce. No measures are 100%, but in following these suggestions by the CDC you lower the chances.
How can you protect yourself?
The best way to protect yourself is to not put yourself in a situation where you could be exposed. But in today's world, that’s not completely realistic for most people. So let's talk about some things you can do to protect yourself and others.
Washing your hands often during the day is a good step to prevent getting sick. But when exactly should you wash your hands and for how long each wash? Each wash you should be washing your hands for at least 20 seconds. A good way to know if you’ve done a wash long enough is to sing the Happy Birthday song twice. Make sure you’re washing in-between your fingers and the tops of your hands & palms all the way up to your wrists. The best times to wash your hands are as follows recommended by the CDC :
After you’ve been in public
After sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose
Before eating or prepping food
Before touching your face
After using the bathroom
After handling your mask
After changing a diaper
After taking care of someone who is sick
After touching animals or pets

What if you don’t have soap and water available?
The CDC recommends that if there is no soap and water available for you to wash your hands at the times needed you can use a hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol. Be sure to cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together. DO NOT wipe off excess hand sanitizer, just keep rubbing your hands together until they feel dry. Wiping off excess sanitizer can make it less effective against germs and bacteria.
Avoid being too close to anyone while in public (at least 6 feet apart). Also, avoid close contact with anyone who is sick. This includes household members that are sick. Don’t forget people could have the virus but not have symptoms.
Wear a mask when out in public, even if you do not feel sick, you could still have the virus and therefore spread it. Remember masks are used to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Always cover your mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing. Using a kleenex is the best way to stop droplets from entering the air or even landing on people because you can simply throw it away afterward. If you don’t have kleenex available coughing or sneezing into your elbow is best. Always wash your hands afterward.
Lastly, clean and disinfect surfaces daily. The places that should be focused on are common touch areas. These include:
Doors and door handles
Tables and chairs
Light switches
Toilets and flush handles
Sinks, faucets, soap dispensers, and paper towel dispensers when not touchless
When cleaning and disinfecting surfaces remember it is most beneficial to first clean a surface, especially when it appears dirty, before disinfecting. Cleaning a surface of debris, dirt or grime first allows the disinfectant to be applied to the entire surface area instead of sitting on top of the dirt and debris. Using soap and water for cleaning is recommended by the CDC. After cleaning surfaces you can then apply your household disinfectant.
Not sure if your household disinfectant is approved for the virus or not sure what products are approved to kill the virus? Click the link below then follow our steps:
Once on the EPA page click launch
From there click use site to see a list of approved household disinfectants
If you are trying to find out if the product you already have is approved you can go to the EPA registration number tab and enter the numbers on the product label
There are several other options on this site to help you find products that are approved to kill the virus and some information as well.